wandering home
...the bite-size adventures...
With 650+ local public access outdoor areas, it can be overwhelming to even know where to begin exploring our sixteen Central Illinois counties. Despite creating Local OPAL and being a lifelong Central Illinoisian, I remain far from being an expert on every local place there is to go or everything there is to do. Still, I thought it might be helpful to lend some personal insight as we wander our home area in search of outdoor fun. So, this new section of Local OPAL seeks to share some of our local, relatively close-to-home, bite-size adventures in hope of inspiring you to create and enjoy your own. If you have favorite local bite-size adventures, please share and I'll do my best to add them here.
Check back in here when you have a chance as this page will always be a work in progress. :)
Check back in here when you have a chance as this page will always be a work in progress. :)