Ridgetop Hill Prairie
Nature Preserve
Woodford County, Illinois
40.652477, -89.161132 |
433 County Rd 1975 E
Secor, IL 61771 |
Official Websites
Other (view wildlife) No formal trails. Please use great caution to avoid stepping on sensitive vegetation. Hill prairie access is due west of entrance and across ravine (via footbridge) near the north property boundary. Season/Hours: dawn to dusk, except during deer management Dog Friendly: no Map(s) On Site and/or Online: Online: https://i2.wp.com/parklandsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Ridgetop-Parking-Map-.png On Site: no Parking: carefully park in short grass near entrance sign Amenities: no Restrooms: no Trail Info Websites/Apps: no Cost: free admission Historical and/or Scientific Significance: rare example of prairie habitat, awarded Illinois Nature Preserve designation; iNaturalist location Terrain/Views/Access: Forest, Hills, Prairie, Mackinaw River View General Description: 17.4-acre nature preserve (1/10 mile Mackinaw River frontage) in rural area near Kenyon-Baller Woods Nature Preserve, Hayes Woods Nature Preserve and Letcher Basin Land & Water Reserve OPAL’s Observations & Opinions: What it may lack in size, it more than makes up for with stunning views and habitat. We found informal trails that made refraining from disturbing habitat easier. The ridge overlooking the Mackinaw River is not to be missed. A truly beautiful place. |
Trail/Park Maps & Brochures (downloadable):
Ridgetop Hill Prairie Boundary Map (PDF) More Information:
http://www.parklandsfoundation.org/preserves/ http://library.isgs.illinois.edu/Pubs/pdfs/ftgb/ftgb2009A-mackinawriver.pdf https://mcleanwater.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2012/03/Mackinaw_River_report.pdf Managed by:
ParkLands Foundation Box 261 Bloomington, IL 61702 309-438-5567 |