Norwood Village Park
Peoria County, Illinois
1643 N Boyd Ave
Peoria, IL 61604 |
Other (playgrounds, picnic, basketball court) Season/Hours: dawn to dusk Dog Friendly: unknown Map(s) On Site and/or Online: Online: no On Site: no Parking: small parking lot Amenities: picnic tables, benches Restrooms: no Trail Info Websites/Apps: no Cost: free admission Historical and/or Scientific Significance: unknown Terrain/Views/Access: open grass space General Description: 6.48-acre park in heart of small town OPAL’s Observations & Opinions: This small town park boast large open grass space and a variety of playground equipment. |
Trail/Park Maps & Brochures (downloadable):
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Managed by:
Village of Norwood 1515 N Norwood Blvd Peoria, IL 61604 309-674-8651 |